Touchpad not working

I am continuing to try and get the touchpad working. I’ve installed fydeos and attempted to use the crosh shell. I change to the fydeos shell by typing “shell” and enter. I change to the “etc/gesture” directory but when I try to move and rename the 40-touchpad-cmt.conf file I am not able to as the file is read only. Cant move the file and cannot chmod the file either. Welcome any ideas on this one.

having the same issue here, idk if this config file thinggy will work on my asus laptop though, and still, same issue, doing the commands it gave me the ‘read-only file system’ error while doing it, making me stuck at that place and now i need someone to help me with this. thank you!!

And 1 forget to say, that you need to enable fydeos developer settings
settings → fydeos settings → enable developer mode → reboot

Finally i found it:

  1. Check Disk for Errors:Run the following command to check and fix file system errors:

$ sudo fsck –y /dev/sda3

If you don’t know the device name (/dev/sda3), you can use the UUID instead:

$ sudo fsck –y UUID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000

  1. Remount the File System: If you need to switch the file system out of read-only mode immediately, use this command:

$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /

(I don’t know the 1. what does, but the 2. helped)

And 1 more issue can be:
Kramirez and my tutorial in the same time will not work. So make sure if you follow my tutorial you leave that flag on default

Since I was having ‘read-only file system’ issue I followed
Enable additional developer mode features: root file system write permission - FydeOS
This documentation from FydeOS and Disabled root file system verification.

Cautious: I could not find any way to enable root file system verification after I disabled it as of now

So, with the risk of security issues that could arise from unauthorized modifications. Here is what I did.

Enable Developer Mode:

  1. Go to → Settings
  2. FydeOS settings
  3. There, you will find an option to Enable developer mode, enable it.
  4. Reboot

Disable Root File System Verification:

According to The Documentation I mentioned earlier.

  1. Press Control + Alt + T on your FydeOS desktop to open the terminal.
  2. Type shell and hit Enter to access the shell environment.
  3. Enter sudo -i to get root permissions.
  4. Execute /usr/sbin/ disable-rootfs-verification to turn off root file system verification.
  5. Reboot your device.

Replace 40-touchpad-cmt.conf file:

Following Szil’s First tutorial Touchpad not working - #12 by Szil
**or maybe you could try his → last tutorial? Touchpad not working - #26 by Szil (Didn’t try that since it didn’t work for me the first time I tried it)

Anyways I followed the First one.

  1. Press Control + Alt + T on your FydeOS desktop to open the terminal.
  2. Type shell and hit Enter to access the shell environment.
  3. Enter sudo -i to get root permissions.
  4. Write cd /etc/gesture
  5. Enter ls
    now you can see all the files in /etc/gesture folder. There must be 40-touchpad-cmt.conf file amongst them.
    → Now you have to Delete or Rename the file (Szil recommended to rename, but by mistake I actually deleted the file :slight_smile: )
  6. Use rm for deleting the file → rm 40-touchpad-cmt.conf
    Use mv to rename the file → mv 40-touchpad-cmt.conf old-40-touchpad-cmt.txt
  7. Use touch 40-touchpad-cmt.conf to make a new file with the same name, that the old file had (40-touchpad-cmt.conf)

Make sure that you have deleted or renamed the old file.

now copy this

Section "InputDevice"
    Driver      "synaptics"
    Identifier  "Touchpad"
    Option      "SendCoreEvents"
    Option      "Protocol" "auto-dev"
    Option      "SHMConfig" "on"
    Option      "VertTwoFingerScroll" "1"
    Option      "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "1"
    Option      "TapButton1" "1"
    Option      "TapButton2" "2"
    Option      "TapButton3" "3"
    Option      "AreaTopEdge" "50"
  1. copy the content (same content as the link Szil gave)
  2. Write sudo nano 40-touchpad-cmt.conf it will open the blank new file.
    Paste the text that you copied with shift + insert
  3. To save
    Press Ctrl+x then if it asks you for permission press Y then if the file is already not selected use Ctrl+T then select the file 40-touchpad-cmt.conf using you keyborads arrow keys.
    then hit Enter
  4. Write exit press enter, again exit then press enter to close the terminal window.
  5. Restart your computer, worked like a charm for me after restart.

Szil, Alpha, SalameMaster Thank you guys <3