Change Linux hostname

Dear Sir or Madame,

I want to change the Linux hostname; I followed your instructions until the admin console - but then I saw only Chinese letters which I could not translate and an area code which I could not change.

Is it not foreseen to change the Linux hostname by a user?

Best regards,

Can you show that in a picture?


As you can see: helmut@penguin

I would like to change ā€œpenguinā€ into another name.

Kind regards,

I think penguin is the default pc name for fyde os, even for normal chrome/chromium os, so It may not be changed, but bing ai is always there lol, I asked him how to change that username and he gave me 3 results

It can be changed. You have to find about that on the web its about setting group names and suchā€¦ tbh you re losing time for nothing that is not even worth your timeā€¦

Thanks a lot for your effort and your hints :+1:

This helps me.

Best regards,

Thanks a lot for your effort and your hints.

I shall take them into account.

Itā€™s just an old habit of mine to make things as congruent as possible.

Best regards,

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Set the hostname:

sed -i ā€˜1cpenguinā€™ /etc/hostname

and set the user account (ā€˜linuxiumcomauā€™ in this example):

killall -u ubuntu
groupmod -n linuxiumcomau ubuntu
usermod -md /home/linuxiumcomau -l linuxiumcomau ubuntu
usermod -aG users linuxiumcomau
loginctl enable-linger linuxiumcomau
sed -i ā€˜s/ubuntu/linuxiumcomau/ā€™ /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users

Good Morning DarkevilPT,

by the way: I donā€™t think that you are one of the dark evils, you are one of the good ones ā†’ you helped me:

Thanks a lot again and have a nice week!

Best regards,

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:joy::joy: Its an old gamer nicknameā€¦ Invented on the Medal of Honor Allied Assault timesā€¦ school timesā€¦ the best timesā€¦ Good memoriesā€¦ Im not even darkā€¦ :joy: just evil sometimes.
Anyways glad to help ! :call_me_hand:

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