[Guide] Crouton set-up guide (easy)


Run Linux on FydeOS, but faster than Crostini!

Gamepad and additional USB devices also works!

  1. Open Terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T
  2. Enter the shell by typing shell.
  3. Run the below script (copy paste full thing below onto the shell)
cd ~/Downloads
mkdir crouton
cd crouton
sudo mount -o remount,exec ~
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dnschneid/crouton/master/installer/crouton --output crouton
chmod +x crouton
sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 crouton
echo 'Crouton successful Install!'
echo 'Now will install XFCE on Ubuntu Xenial! Answer the prompts when neccesary.'
sudo crouton -t xfce
echo '================================================================================'
echo '================================================================================'
echo '================================================================================'
echo 'Install successful! Start crouton by running `sudo startxfce4!`'
echo '================================================================================'
echo '================================================================================'
echo '================================================================================'
cd ..
  1. Now start crouton by typing sudo startxfce4.
  2. If you see a black screen, switch displays to ChromeOS and back to Crouton. USe Ctrl+Shift+F1 to switch to ChromeOS then Ctrl+Shift+F2 to go back to Crouton!

NOTE: If you forgot to read all the points, the black screen fix is given above
For Steam games, use Borealis Instead

Now this is something!! Nice job big sun! :smile::smile:

1 Like

Tried on openFyde for Edge 2 and… idk if it needed to be done on shell or sudo -i either way fails on mine… can it be due to being arm64? or I failed any step?

its a kernel issue which in turn can mean an architecture issue!

Yeah it is I was just checking out in case I skipped any step. Untill mainline comes for rk3588 this is expected.