Chrome OS Flex - V121 Stable / Crostini Bookworm - 6.1.64 / Upgraded to Trixie with google package v122
FydeOS - V120 Stable / Crostini Bookworm - 6.1.60 / Upgraded to Trixie with google package v124
T9 N100 Aliexpress 16GB DDR5 1TB - Led model - Alien ports all around - No type C of madness and noisy fan. -.-’
ChromeOS Flex
FydeOS - Im pretty sure you can get different scores than me so this is never 100% accurate.
Access Bios with Delete with Keyboard PLUGGED to the board:
15000 to 50000
Make your tests:
Things to consider:
- Have no extensions on your browser to achieve those values
- Metamask eats 10k of Octane 2.0 benchmarks
- So either try it on anonymous or guest mode.
On V122 Google adds the newer Mesa versions and Intel is working on a new GPU kernel driver Vulkan rendering is also a thing.
- #lacros-only - Works
- The wifi module can be upgraded (grab the BE202 Wifi 7 like a boss as if 2 ethernet slots aren’t enough)
In other words… this is a neat cheap toy for FydeOS users to EnJOy.