I am unable to boot into the USB drive

:pushpin:Question Description

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  • Description: As mentioned in the title, I am unable to boot into FydeOS. I have a 32GB USB drive on which I have put FydeOS using Balena.

The USB works perfectly fine when booting any other OS. When booting into FydeOS from the USB, the screen remains black.

Any suggestion is welcome!

Thank you!

:computer:System & Device Information

  • Hardware & System Configuration:
    • Processor: Intel 2Core N3350, up to 2.4GHz
    • Graphics Card: Intel HD Graphics 500
    • RAM: 4GB
    • FydeOS Version: Latest “AMD Radeon discrete or integrated graphics and AMD or Intel processors (circa 2011 and after)” – 18.0-SP1

i have same issue

I never got it working from an external drive either, and I also had another OS liveboot from the same drive just fine.

FydeOS only worked after I did a full install on my hard drive.

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I am having this same problem. I am using a 64GB USB, flashed it using Balena, try to go boot it and it is black for a few seconds then my computer reboots. I have an AMD processor as well. I am able to get a little further using Ventoy and I see a little bit of an option, but then it just stays hung. I do not have this issue with other OSes at all. I also was able to perform the BRUNCH process and boot that from the drive just fine as well. Not sure why this is different or doesn’t work…

have yous played with secure boot / disabling gpu and maybe enabling ahci? ohh… what are those ?? and for what? :robot: google is your friend my lads… do some testings…

Lol, and this is why people can’t be bothered with Open Source…

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Been there done that genius. Still dont work.