Surface go 4 for business, can´t select language at intial setup

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I downloaded
FydeOS for PC
PC with newer (ca. 2018 and after) Intel Core

Any Idea what is wrong? THX

HP USB Mouse Cursor was visible, but not INPUT possible.


why havent you downloaded the Fyde for You - Microsoft - Surface 4 option?

I mean… idk if they work… I dont own a surface but I see them in different categories.


I used (instead of balenaEtcher-Portable-1.18.11)

I downloaded ISO of “older” Surface Pro 4 (2015) - it stops early at black screen / white typo:

booting verified image A
trying to terminate efi services again

waited 30min

No luck.

Problem in one sentense: Surface 4 Go Business, fydeOS asked me about language but I can´t select english - looks like not touch input possible

help, thx

edit: looks like surface 4 go is not supported