FIXED: Active Android Subsystem - Loading, rotating, endless

FIXED TIP: When install Fydeos, at the Finish screen. Keep CHECKED the Join FydeOS Community checkbox. Then finish.

I checked on Surface Pro 5 i5 and Dell Latitude e7450 it works both on FydeOS 18.0 3-7th and Surface verstion.

May be Active will take loading for some minutes, but can run good. Please patient.

If you cannot active, Rewash (Reset) FydeOS to re Install then follow the guide above.

Reason: I think the problem is ENABLE FydeOS Community to install FydeOS Community app, to complete install essentials app in OS, then The Android Subsystem can fully loaded to active.

P/s: If you have nVidia Card, you can google how to fix this problem.