Pubg mobile keep crashing

:pushpin:Question Description : i 'm facing pubg mobile crashing issue please help me to fix this unable to play game

:computer:System & Device Information

  • Hardware & System Configuration:
    • Processor: intel core i5 6th gen
    • Graphics Card(Please specify if there’s a discrete graphics card):
    • RAM:16th gb
    • FydeOS Version:FydeOS for PC (hd), v18.1, Unlicensed version
      Platform 15662.71.18.17

Because it’s for mobile.

so, what to do on OS? if game not played.

A lot of games work on fydeos. Why is not this game? You should ask this game, not fydeos.

i just want to play this game not others. i install fydeos just for pubg

do you know any key-mapper apk ? i install many but they doesn’t work

No keymapping works now