FydeOS wont let me enable developer mode

Hi so i need to download an apk beacause play store wont work unless i download that apk and i tried turning on developer mode then i noticed it went back off and i tried again it didnt work an help?

uh oh my pc only has legacy guess ill install another os

I checked my BIOS, UEFI is Enable, but after restart the developer mode roll back to disable state. any other action is requierd ?
thank in advance

Make sure it’s UEFI only, not enable, select UEFI only

Hello, I check in the BIOS, there is UEFI Boot is Enabled. But Dev Mode returns back to Disable every restart

It usually shows like uefi and legacy, not like this

Hi people,

same here UEFI Only is enabled in the BIOS-Settings, but whe i enable Developer Mode it returns to disabeld after reboot, any hints?

Kind regards Hiwi72

P.S. i got the problem just after update to fyde os 19. Untill fyde os 18 it worked perfect…

Check partition 12 is it a efi partition

It is, and i just did a upgrade from enabled developer mode fydeos18 to fydeos19and then developer mode got disabled.

Dual boot or full disk?

Dual Boot, but not with Grub or any other bootloader.
Just UEFI boot entry, i have to choose which disk to boot just by entering uefi boot option, because windows is used seldom.
So ssd sata is windows and ssd m.2 is fyde os.

i may open the laptop and take ssd sata with windows offline and try enabling developer mode?
Than reconnect ssd sata?!

I enable developer mode in v18, after OTA, it’s remained in developer mode. But your device is too complicated, I am not sure what’s wrong.

Hi hacker,

i just removed my dual boot sata so it is now a clean fydeOS install, but no chance to enable developer mode…

okay, now i did a complete reinstall from usb-stick and developer mode is working again whiich is confusing and also was a littlebbit annoing…but so what it works

This kind of situation is really rare, so no surprise something went wrong.

Solution, turn on uefi mode only
Disable secure boot done