Remap / Reassign Function Keys?

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  • Description:

Installed FydeOS on Sony Vaio laptop. Function keys work but do not match the functions preprinted on the keys. For instance, F5 is supposed to be lower screen brightness but in FydeOS is functioning as show all windows. I looked through the settings but I see no way to remap or reassign the function keys.

:computer:System & Device Information

  • Hardware & System Configuration:

    • Processor: Intel i5-4200U (4) @ 2.294GHz
    • Graphics Card(Please specify if there’s a discrete graphics card):
    • RAM: 4GB
    • FydeOS Version: FydeOS for PC (hd), v18.1
  • Relevant System Logs:

    • Open the Chromium browser and enter /var/log/messages to retrieve logs.
    • Log Details:

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