Using a GUI in the linux subsystem

:pushpin:Question Description

  • Description: Is it possible to install a GUI for the linux subsystem, such as LXDE?

System & Device Information

  • Hardware & System Configuration:
    • Processor: Intel I3 3330
    • RAM: 4 gigs
    • FydeOS Version: 18

you can try it by yourself
just by a"apt-get" command:)

Thank you for your reply. I thought of that too. I have started the process, and have LXDE running, but with one big issue. The desktop screen is not right. The task bar runs horizontally right through the middle of the screen. The menu button is visible, and I can use the menus, and they are perfectly readable. I started Libreoffice Calc and it displays properly on the full screen. So only the desktop screen has a problem. Probably, resolution or some other display setting. The setting is 1366 x 768, which was set automatically. The only other choice is Auto. I am not sure what display manager I am using. I had to experiment with display managers to get LXDE to start. I kept getting a Warning: cannot open display". The DM might be lightdm, sddm, or xorg.

If you can help with this screen issue, I would appreciate it. Thanks again for your reply.

In this message I will list the steps I took to install LXDE.

Step 1. Sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade were done to ensure the system was up-to-date.

Step 2. Sudo apt install LXDE then sudo apt install lxde task-lxde-desktop.
These came from two sources on the internet. I did both. Each one found something to install.

Note: During step 2 a window is supposed to open and ask that a display manager be selected. This did not happen, and may be related to my screen issue, mentioned in the previous message.

Step 3. LXDE does not start automatically, so I researched “How to start LXDE from the command line.” Answer: Exec startlxde

LXDE did not start. Not knowing whether a display manager was installed, I did more research. Someone suggested sddm on a similar screen issue. I also thought of X.

Step 4: Sudo apt install lightdm, also sudo apt install xorg, and sudo apt install sddm were installed. Attempts were made to start LXDE. One of the above worked, but with the screen problem mentioned in the prior message.

If anyone has a suggestion on fixing the screen problem, I would be very pleased.

Thanks for reading this message.

I had a problem and FydeOS said it needed to be powerwashed. Due to that I decided to install Version 19 instead of 18. Which meant starting over with my Linux GUI installation.

I also decided to try LXQT. In my previous instructions just substitute LXQT for LXDE.

I found out that Fydeos uses a Window Manager named Sommelier. After installing LXQT, I saw that it too was using Sommelier. LXQT uses Display Manager sddm on my installation. I am not sure if Fydeos uses sddm or not. LXQT is working very well, with one exception. The panel or taskbar crashes. I get a message that automatic restarting of the panel is disabled until the next reboot. Other than that LXQT works great.