Paid subscription not provided

:pushpin:Question Description

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Please describe the problem you’ve encountered in detail:

:computer:System & Device Information

  • Hardware & System Configuration: MBP 13" Late 2011

    • Processor:
    • Graphics Card(Please specify if there’s a discrete graphics card):
    • RAM:
    • FydeOS Version: 18.1
  • Relevant System Logs:

    • Open the Chromium browser and enter /var/log/messages to retrieve logs.
    • Log Details:


Unfortunately “Activate Patron” not worked for me
Should I request refund from paypal and then try to buy again?

We have no record of subscription purchases tied to this email address. Please private message me your purchase credentials. I noticed that your device is an MBP 13’ Late 2011. We don’t offer a subscription for that device. What device do you subscribe to FydeOS for? I guess you have paid for an OTA update, which is not a subscription.

Right I paid for OTA update but Settings > About FydeOS still shows
FydeOS for PC (hd), v18.1, Unlicensed version

Did you check for an update? You may send feedback in the system if the update does not start.

It shows:
Couldn’t update your FydeOS device. Please try again later.

BTW how can I send feedback?

Thank you I’ll try

You may check for updates now. It should be fixed.