Waveshare touchscreen on a Pi5 with FydeOS

Hello all,

I have just completed a fresh install of FydeOS on a Pi 5, and I’m trying to get a touchscreen to work with it. The specific touchscreen I have is a Waveshare 10.1inch DSI LCD (C).

In the installation process of using this screen with rPi bookworm or alike, you need to navigate to the config.txt file in the root folder, after writing it to your SD card, and add:

#DSI1 Use
#DSI0 Use

I have attempted to do the same here but to no sucess. I have tried also commenting out the default display settings already in the file, but the same result occurs.

I have also checked that this system works properly when operating on a normal Pi OS.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of something I can try to fix this issue?