Fyde for You - Surface Pro 4, won’t boot

Have created a Fyde for you USB with the latest Fyde version for Surface Pro 4. The Surface Pro 4 WILL boot and run from the USB. I then ran the install to install it on the machine, overwriting Windows (not dual boot). The installation seemed to complete OK with no error messages. However, the surface will not now boot from the internal drive and gives an error message “Can’t find a bootable opperating system …”

I have tried various BIOS settings but am unable to boot from the internal drive (the USB still boots when inserted). I can’t find any help articles specific to the Surface Pro 4 release of FydeOS, so I am currently a bit stuck. Any help will be appreciated.

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Did you turn off secure boot in bios?

Sure did. As I say, it seems to run fine from the USB but the install seems to have left the internal drive unbootable. I have read of similar situations happening with other Linux distros and the SP4, but can’t find anything specific to Fyde.

I have been in the community many years and never saw someone report this before. Usually the problem is with the windows boot manager and dual boot. Since you installed fydeos as a single system, I guess you need to change some settings in bios.

OK, the problem is now resolved. Because I didn’t have access to Balena Etcher v1.18.11, or a Windows PC to run Rufus, I used another USB imager which, apparently, screwed up the USB install drive. In the end, I used Balena Etcher v1.19.25 (which initially failed verification) but then I unpacked the .xz file to reveal the .img file. Balena Etcher (v1.19.25) then successfully wrote the .img image to the USB. This installation USB then ran on the Surface Pro (as before) but allowed the Surface to boot without the USB. So, FydeOS is now up and running and the problem was a doddgy USB imager.