Fydetab Duo LTE module - not working with FydeOS v19.0-SP1

A few Fydetab Duo users have purchased the Fydetab Duo LTE Module (Quectel EM05) from Fyde but after installing it found that they are not able work with FydeOS v19.0-SP1.

The module is well recognised by the system and the Mobile Data connection function is available on FydeOS to be used but when inserting a SIM card it keeps trying to connect (panel mobile connection indicator shows it’s trying) but it always ends up failing and gives up without any error.

One user reported it to Fyde team and they seem to have ackowledged the issue:

…based on our testing and thorough analysis, we’ve discovered an issue with the APN file configuration on the latest FydeOS version on Fydetab. The system is unable to automatically obtain and utilize the APN profile, resulting in an error. We’ll investigate this matter after the Chinese New Year holiday. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.