Can't boot into Fydeos with the installation media

:pushpin:Question Description

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  • Description: I tried FydeOS iris. I tried booting into it with USB, It loads the logo and stays there for a minute or so and restarts itself into the grub(Linux Mint). I installed Linux Mint with the same USB device.

:computer:System & Device Information

I have already installed and using Linux mint. So necessary changes have been done to install an OS

  • Processor: i5 8250U 8th gen
  • Graphics Card(Please specify if there’s a discrete graphics card): AMD Radeon 530 discrete graphics and Intel UHD 620 integrated graphics.
  • RAM: 12GB
  • FydeOS Version: v19 FydeOS
  • Bios: UEFI

try to disable the AMD GPU

If i do it is only limited to the OS that I disabled the AMD graphics in, right? It’s still detected when booting from the USB. Or am I wrong?