Issues with binding device ID to community account


I’ve been struggling lately with the community page. I recently activated my subscription for FydeOs.

According to the instructions, I can bind my device ID to my community account to be able to submit “technical support” tickets.

The problem is, when I click on the profile icon and click “activate patreon” it send me to a 404 page. If I go to the FydeOs account page, and click on subscriptions, it shows that I don’t have any.

Thanks in advance for your help.

We sent you a private message, please check it.

When I click on the “Inbox” under messages. I get:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

My Posts also I get the same message.

Thank you for the feedback, this is indeed a bug, and we are working on fixing it.

Thanks for the help… Any chance that someone can help me with my main issue:



I have the same problem as cyberyaga. Paid for a subscription but can’t add it to my fyde account. How to solve this? Don’t wanna loose my subscription info.

Now I have the same problem :slight_smile:
It started today after getting “basic” achievement. !

Best Dag

PS: To be accurate I get this :
" When I click on the “Inbox” under messages. I get:

Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.

My Posts also I get the same message."

also when I try to get info on myself or users the pop up just flashes by fast.

This has been going on since September and is still not fixed? This is making me regret paying for a subscription. I also opened a topic on this same issue.