PlayStore Refuses To Open. DEV Mode Enabled

I have gotten developer mode + additional developer mode setup, Linux environment, Android support enabled, installed GAPPS, no errors or notificationsā€¦ā€¦ but the PlayStore simply refuses to open. Nothing happens when I attempt to open it.

Has anyone else ran into this problem??

I suppose Iā€™ll try reinstalling GAPPS, and if that doesnā€™t work, download the proper Pico one for this OS & try installing that one.

Thank you very much!!

EDIT: Confirmed that developer mode only works with UEFI installs
I canā€™t believe it was actually mentioned in the setup guideā€¦ I read it half a dozen times lol

As the tutorial states, switching to developer mode must first be set to UEFI boot in the BIOS. Sorry, switching to developer mode is not supported on v18 without UEFI support.

Seriously?!! Lmao what a major fail on my part. Canā€™t believe that I read that page half a dozen times and never actually noticed the box at the top. ((Thanks very much for the reply))

Now if I can figure out how the heck to get the PlayStore open, Iā€™ll be golden.

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You may get the device ID in v17.1 and register it in v18 if you want to use v18.

I appreciate the assistance, thanks very much! Iā€™ll give that a try!!

I canā€™t seem to find the v17.1 images to download for ā€˜amd64-fydeosā€™ ((for Intel 3rd-7th Gen)). Do you guys have them up on Github or SourceForge??

Thanks again

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Thank you very much!